Saturday, September 13, 2008

On the way to Eldoret

I am just about to leave for Kenya where I will be spending the next 3 months. I decided to add the map image of East Africa so that you can see where Kenya is located (in case you didn't know before) and this map also shows Eldoret, the city in which I will be staying. Eldoret is located in the Rift Valley of Kenya, close to Lake Victoria. It is a fast growing city, being Kenya's 4th or 5th largest city. The city is at an elevation of about 7000 feet and has a more moderate climate than much of the rest of Kenya (thank God, because you all know how well I like being hot....). I will be living and working at Moi University. I am specifically working with Moi University's Public Health School and one of their programs called Community-based Education and Service (COBES). As well, I am hoping to work with their AMPATH program (Academic Model for Prevention And Treatment of HIV/AIDS). Hopefully soon, I will have more details about all the work I am doing. But until then, you can check out more details about the AMPATH program at the link below.

Next time, my posts will be from Kenya!


Emily said...

Yay Amy!!! It's going to be a great experience. Keep us all posted!

Unknown said...

wow it is great ! hopefully u will be back with much more